Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Falling is not Failing

My son Jacob had Day Surgery Yesterday. He had a dental procedure done to extract a tooth with an abscess. He was such a great guy, very up beat and very social with all the nurses. It had been scheduled since December so I had lots of time to discuss with him what was going to occur, there were no surprises. While getting admitted and getting his vitals checked there was another family with a child and the little boy was asking what he was doing there, and was very frightend. I believe that being honest with the boys is the best way, I have always explained everything in an age appropriate way to the boys, Always honest when they ask is a needle going to hurt.. um yep it hurts..

Everything went great, we got there at 8am, and left the hospital at 2pm.. Soft foods only for a day and Jay asks on the way home for a cheeseburger...umm No!!! He was easily satisfied with a pudding!!


After.. My little trooper!!
That being said my eating yesterday left a lot of room for improvement. I did not eat on any schedule what so ever and am declaring that between the hours of 8 and 3 a write off. I got back on track at supper and today is a new day!! Falling is not Failing

1 comment:

  1. Hope your son is feeling okay today and I'm glad everything went good yesterday!! That's the perfect attitude to have!! We all have our bad days and if I was in your position I would have probably ate a whole pizza, some cake etc. I definitely eat when I'm stressed, so I'm sure you did better than I would have!! Have a wonderful day!!


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