Saturday, March 26, 2011


SO here is my news... update... progress.. I had a bad week in March that had set me off track I guess more like 4 days. I was dealing with a very stressful situation.. and used every excuse in the book to get in my own way with my weight loss journey.. I got back on track and am taking a good hard look at my weight loss goals and what I am going to do about them..

Right now My weight is at 174, ideally I want to be in the 150 pound range roughly 20-24 lbs to loose. I want to loose about 1-2lbs per week... so I am going to aim at loosing 15lbs in the next 10 weeks... I have started to train for a 5 k.. I need something to keep me motivated, although there are no races in my area for quite sometime, I am going to aim at a 6 week training period.. In 6 weeks I should be able to run 5k..

At the end of 10 weeks if I reach my goal I am going to reward myself with some Lululemon clothing...

My real goal is not so much a number on a scale, or a clothing size. I want to be healthy and strong!!


1 comment:

  1. You do have this!!! I find setting goals and reminding myself of them works the best for me!!! Your almost there, keep at it!!!


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