Thursday, March 31, 2011

Getting Active from Seal Pups to Hockey Pucks

I like to get active with my family in the evening, usually after supper we take a walk, hike, wagon ride, sleigh ride.. Hockey in the drive way, skipping, soccer, tag... anything that gets us together getting us active as a family and having some good old fashion fun... yesterday we took a stroll along a local beach .. well we climbed over Ice chunks and jumped over puddles.. but a nice stroll along. We came across a baby seal that was on the beach.. Usually the seals are birthed out on the ice flows but this year there is no Ice out in the water forcing the seals to come on the beaches.. Here are a few photos.. We did not get too close, You have to let nature take it's course... the baby will find its way to the water.. Jake and the Seal Pup
Seamus and the Seal Pup
Here is the pup it was so super cute.. Hope you find your way!!

Another evening we played hockey in the driveway... Even Aiden got involved he has a stick cut to size for him... Loves to chase the puck.. I think he will enjoy Hockey as much as the older two.. I hope so I absolutely love being a HOCKEY MOM....
This Journey was mostly for me but my family plays a big role. I want to be there for my kids, want to participate with them and have fun, I want them to learn good eating habits, learn what Healthy choices are, Learn to be active !!! I'm doing it for me but for them too...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun time!!! Erin loves going on walks with me, sometimes she's the one that motivates me to go!! lol


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