Monday, March 14, 2011


This is exactly how I feel today.. I had a terrible weekend, made every excuse to stay away from the gym, I am an emotional eater so I have been snacking alot,. I was my own worst enemy. This weight loss journey is a challenge every day.. It is stressful, I have alot of people, family, friends, bloggers holding me accountable and sometimes that can take a toll on you.

I hit the gym hard today, doing my leg work out with my trainer. I had to walk out of the gym twice to get fresh air, I kept saying the quote off of Biggest Losser,,,, If you don't die, puke, or faint keep going. I kept going. I am back on the Oatmeal as of today!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you!! Keep on keeping on :) We can do this!!


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